Create Third Party Devices
In this article, we will go through how to create third party devices in the Cloud after you physically install them. Steps to install here: Gateway Third Party Connections
Configure a Third Party Device
In order to get data from your third party device into your dashboard, you’ll need to turn the “registers” or “tags” into data inputs. The name “third party devices” corresponds to any device you might connect to an Industrial Gateway (IG) via Ethernet, RS485, or RS232.
Third party device examples: PLCs, Flow computers. IO expansion modules, OPC-UA servers, etc.
Supported Serial Communication Protocols
Learn all the Serial Communications we support and how to install each in this section here: Gateway Third Party Connections
Map Registers/Tags in Samsara Cloud
To map your third party registers in the Cloud, go to Settings > Third Party Devices > + Configure New Device:

How to Set UpThird-Party PLCs and Add Map Registers
Now, we will go through the unique steps to add each type of device based on protocol:
Protocol Table of Contents