You have come to the right place to begin your setup journey with Samsara for Connected Equipment! Check out our Website here:

This includes user manuals for the IG41, IG15, Modules, AG26, and AG46. This User Manual will walk you through each step you'll need to take to install your Samsara hardware, set up third-party devices, and configure your Samsara Cloud.

Need Help? Contact Samsara Support

Our Samsara Support team is also available to provide support via email, webform, and phone.

How to submit a valuable support ticket to ensure we can quickly help resolve your issue:

Please include this information in the Description box:

  • Full details of the issue, including all the steps you took to troubleshoot

    1. Attach any pictures and/or videos you can provide

    2. If you think you need a replacement device: Add address to send replacement to and email address for the shipping contact

Have Feedback? Please Tell Us

Submit feedback on how we can improve your experience by going to your Cloud account by clicking “Feedback” on the bottom left of your Samsara Cloud. Your submission will go directly into our company Slack channel that we monitor and act on daily, so thank you in advance for giving us insights into how we can improve.