Data Input Options
In this article, we will walk through all the Data Inputs you can create.
Data Input Source Options
When you go to Settings → I/O → Add Input, there are a few Source options to choose from. In this section, we will go through how to set up each one.

Options below - We will go through each one and examples in specific articles in this section of the Manual.

Third Party Pin
For devices connected to the IG indirectly via communication protocols like Modbus. Create inputs to pull data from these devices. Read the article here: Set up Third Party Devices
Gateway Channel
This input type is for devices connected directly to the IG’s IO terminals. First configure the analog or digital I/O of the Gateway, then create inputs off of them. Read the article here: Configure Analog and Digital IO
Data Inputs with Formulas
Create inputs off other inputs, like with formulas. Read the article here:Data Inputs with Formulas
Samsara Sensor
Create inputs off of the HM11, EM21, EM22, and PM20 Samsara sensors. Read the article here: Samsara Sensor Data Inputs
Manual Entry
Create inputs for manual entry using the Samsara Mobile Forms App (sold separately as an add-on). Blog here. Read the article here: Set up Manual Entry
Use the Gateway GPS capabilities to tag the location of your asset. Add this to the Asset Details page for each Asset to create a circle for it in the Map view. Read the article here: Location Data Inputs
Gateway Diagnostics
Create an "Ambient Temperature" data input to ensure the IG41 is operating in supported ranges: Gateway Diagnostic Data Inputs
Local Variable
We will discuss this more in our Controls chapter. Read the article here:Set up Local Variables for IG21