In this article, we will walk through how to set up your sensor in the Cloud to visualize the data and set up alerts. You can have up to 12 EMs connected to 1 Gateway.
How to Set Up Industrial Sensors
Activate Devices
Once you unbox the sensor, find the serial number. The serial number can be found on the back of the sensor. Go to the Samsara Cloud and activate the device: Activate Device(s) in the Cloud
Once activated, find the sensor in the Cloud by going to Settings in bottom left → Sensors. Edit the Name and Settings by clicking the “…” on the right.
Add IO
To visualize the data, add data inputs for the sensor. Learn how by searching for the EM here: Samsara Sensor Data Inputs
Create Dashboards
To learn how to set up Dashboards, go to our chapter: Set up Dashboards
Example Dashboard:
Create Alerts
To learn how to set up Alerts, go to our chapter: Set up Alerts