
With the correct tiles configured to your Dashboard, you can:

  1. toggle digital outputs from our dashboards

  2. set analog output values from our dashboards

using Entry Tiles: Button, Slider, and Toggle. In this article, we will go through how to set those up.

Pre-work to set up Entry Tiles on Dashboards

Before you can set up these tiles on Dashboards, a valid Data Output must be set up. Review our articles on Data Outputs: Configure Analog and Digital IO

To learn how to set up initial Dashboard, first read our Set up Dashboards chapter:

Dashboard Options for Entry Tiles:

Add Buttons

Buttons allow users to send a value to a specified Data Output. This can be freely inputted with the "Enter value" functionality. They are primarily used whenever a specific value needs to be entered, such as Analog Outputs. Button component is useful for numeric entry and for state-based selections like Hand/Off/Auto.


"Preconfigure values" will create a dropdown-type button, allowing you to map labels to specific values for ease of use.


Add Sliders

Sliders are useful when you need to set bounds to what the user can send to the data output via the Min/Max on the component.

Example of Sliders and Button

In the example below, the slider determines what speed to run the pumps at when it is called.

Add Toggles

Toggles allow users to send On/Off commands. This component can only be used with Digital Outputs. Analog and other Data Outputs will not be addressable with a Toggle tile. 
